Hey you! This blog has been written in english fully but still having the gramatical erorrs( a bucket of them you know!), need to improve it! That's why i'm writting this in english!ok dearest!~
May Allah bless ya always and forever!
I am ME
Grownup 18. Choco & anime lover. Specky girl. Love family & friends!
Feeling : creepy
Eating : KINDER BUENO-ing..
Doing : at shcool,eating,studying,sleeping in the class..haha~
Watching : white board in the class..
Listening to : I believe by Irfan Makki ft MZ
As Muhammad and his companion will also ask dua' between of them ~
"Pray for me , for His sake !"
This is the way to connect with Him.
Indeed this is the best gift ever , you can count on me !
We don't need those stuff we just need your dua' , dear fellow !
and we pray for blessings right ? :3
" He causes the night to enter in upon the day, and causes the day to enter in upon the night, and He has made subservient the sun and the moon, each one moves to an appointed time. This is Allah, your Lord; His is the kingdom. And those whom you call upon besides Him own not a straw.If you call on them, they hear not your call; and if they heard, they could not answer you. And on the day of Resurrection they will deny your associating them (with Allah). And none can inform thee like the All-Aware One. "
Assalamualaikum . Peace be upon you . :D Well haloo there guys ! Yobseyo ~ (hehe..korean style) It seem like being a long time I never updating my own blog , and THIS IS IT !
Hoho . I am having 9-months-holidays. (atcually they are 11 months, the other 2 I need to be a teacher at SK Hilal as Ust Yazid asked to do so) WOW ! well as you wanna know I had passing mine! (STAM on 12th Oct 2011 - 19th Oct 2011, fuhhhh ! It wasn't too easy or hard , just hoping Him to give the B.E.S.T. for me and friends, thanks ALLAH :D ) Can you believe it ? Ninnneee monthss ?? OMG ! I can do anything that I want ! Hehe . Taking driving license , cooking , handmade craft , reading books , blogging and blablabla ... ( I can't take it anymore ) Can you imagine this 9 months can be shorted just only 9 days ? For me , I believe . Ever there was 30 days per month , times with 9 equals to 280 days , but we can't manage this 280 days as well , so it would be shorter than ever we thought !
"Those who makes the worst use if time are the first to complain of its shortness "
People were people and they were always doing mistakes in their life , I believed that I was the one of them . I made a vow to convince a cunning plan for using the precious wisely . And we knew it was never simple and easy to this uphill but the only thing that would make this work out, it is only ourselves . If we said YES , and it would be working out . But if we said NO , nothing would change .
Allah said in His Holy , "...Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves...." Ar-Ra'd : 11
Make a single vow and say YES . I knew we can do it together . Right guys ? :D SMILE always .
OMG ! i'm not lalala mode now !!!! FYI next week I have to face the really big day !ARGGGHHH ! I wanna yell to the world ! So creepy ! Feeling not so well as my teeth had problem , I met dentists for 3 times and 3 different dentists, not the same okee ! Before I met those dentists , I heard stories from my fellows , they said , removal tooth didn't hurt so much . Just for a minute ~ So it made me soo confident to meet them ~ ( anyway I love to meet dentist because I almostly dreamed to be dentist one day , but now naaa)
For the first on last Tuesday, 28th June , I met goverment's dentist and she ( soo polite in her talks to me ^^ ) gave me anaesthetics 2times for not feel the hurt of removal tooth, it was hurt and pain until my tears rolled down my cheeks but she didn't removed mine permently , still having the root .After that , ARGGHHHH !!! It was hurting for a week ! ( couldn't be mentioned how hurt did I feel , try it if you wanna know it :D)As you want to know, I ate the paracetamol and sleep , ate it again and sleep again , and so on .
I couldn't do anything even reads books !Time-wasting so much !
For the second , I decided to meet non-goverment's dentist snd he ( quite young, not married yet maybe and handsome..^^ haha ), as usually he must gave me the same injection as the first dentist did so and had permently removed it and I was glad ! The day after that , I woke up and my left hand touched my left cheek ,
WAARGGGHHHH !!!!! (second yelling , nope maybe three ! ^^) My left cheek swollen ! OMG , what was really happen to me ?! I felt soo ashamed to go the class . I could imagined that every people around will be asking the same question, many questions had been asking to me .
"What's wrong with your cheek ?" ,
"Are you eating something, Aliya ? Sweets?" ,
" That's the regret for you of talking to mucch" ,
even a little girl named Suad
"Kak liya , are the rambutans is in your mouth ? "
Ayooi . My face had been blashing pink in colour naturally . All feelings that I felt , angry , mad , ashamed , covered up myself from not been noticed by them . Iffah had a enourmous laugh at me with her kekeke voice . ( she never noticed that people would laugh along with her because of her kekeke ) I waited until tomorrow . I met the goverment's dentist again ( but not the same person okey ?) ,I made this decision because I spent RM130 for my tooth before to the non-goverment even they did a really good job . Soo I didn't have any money to pay the cost for the next . She ( the dentist , wearing hijab the last year purple colour as maria elena said so, seem like she was not too friendly ) had cleaned up my mouth , and I thought that I will not be given anaesthetic again , you know it was hurt . But my expectation was wrong ! Pained again . My tears didn't rolling down because I sicked of it ! ( 6 times you know ! equals for the first met until the last with them ) Lastly , she said ,
" You need to come here this Friday , I need to x-ray you teeth " ,
WHAT'S ON EARTH ???? I need to meet them again !? Oh nnoooo ! I say I don't want !!!
( heart-talks , the dentist didn't hear it anyway, i was just making sooo excited.. haha )
And Aliya Roseli Dol aka A.R.D. decided to
And Alhamdullilah my cheek became better after all , I feel grateful to Him , He's the one who makes all these pain , cheek swollen , and healing . Thanks Allah ! That's how my tooth's story life . Sweet and Sour . (^_^)
Pssttt.... I missed the smell of medicines and clinics. Feeling refresh and clean . hehe .
Just close your eyes . Feel in the deep of your heart . Can you feel the beating ? Every second it will beating once without non-stop . Can you imagine what would happen if it stop for once ? That means Allah loves us . Be praise to Allah . Because of Him , we still can feel the air in this world , seeing the nature beauty that created by Him and no one can do it . Who we are without Him . We are being borrowed for awhile ,do you know that we belong to Him ? Thumb ups for you that already knew it . For who are not , glad to know it now ! Allah gives a chance . He's awesome , right ?
Feeling far apart from Him shouldn't be having in every muslim . It's kinda ashamed , with the whole body that we borrowed , didn't we remember who gives us all of that precious ? He knew everything . He just want us to obey all His order and left all the bads at least . Just FOLLOW not to disobey . It's kinda simple but not easy for us to follow right ? :D Better to try rather than nothing . Because Allah are always counting all the efforts that you did ~
He's now seeing us from above. He wants us to better than him, striving for mardhotillah. Ummi, Sir Ghazali, Cg Zainuddin Jusoh, Sir Yahya and the lastest Ust Dahlan, they all have be returned to Him. O Allah, replace them into your Jannah, please forgive all their sins. We did love them for the Allah's sake. We miss them so damn much. When I'm thinking of them, I would love to flashback all the moments, staying in MATRI with friends and teachers. With a lot of friends,which are MY FRIENDS. I wish that I could go back and fix all the mistakes that I had done before and being happy-non-everlasting as much as I could . Smile all day long, no crying like a baby anymore. O Allah, strengthen me for facing all the problems and let me become a better person that I should be.
As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking your opinion or thanking me for something good happened in your life yesterday. But I noticed yoe were too busy, trying to find the right outfit to wear. When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to waitm fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me, but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the lastest gossip instead. I watched patiently all day long. With all your activities I guess you were too busy to say anything to me.
I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me, taht is why you didin't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some pf your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet. You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, you turned the TV. I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything goes there and you spend a lot of time each day in front of it not thinking about anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me. Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said good night to your family, you popped into bed and fall asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I always there for you. I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well.
I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have one-sided conversation, Well, you are getting up once again. And once again I will wait, with nothing but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me some times. Have a nice day!
Your friend named ALLAH
Yes I do love God. He's my source of existence and Savior. Allah keeps me funtioning each and everday.
Without Him, I'll be NOTHING. Without Him, I am NOTHING. But with Him, this is the simplest test.
If you love Him, and are not ashamed off all the marvelous things He has done for you.
-Hundreds 80 degrees-
I'm Aliya Roseli Dol. Dol not Doll!. That's my grandpa's name and i'm proud of him ok!. a.k.a. A.R.D.,heartblooming,khuf's shinning starhe3..;). I'm sitting as 4 letters candidate that stand for S.T.A.M. next year will be the BIG day and i'll face it!(wish me luck!). I stayed in Kelantan currently, Perlis,where am i studying now, K.L. is my hometown!. I'll be grownup every 15th June in every year. I'm the only girl in my family(my mom is a WOMAN not a girl). Add me if you wanna be one of my fellow.
As Muhammad and his companion will also ask dua' between of them ~
"Pray for me , for His sake !"
This is the way to connect with Him.
Indeed this is the best gift ever , you can count on me !
We don't need those stuff we just need your dua' , dear fellow !
and we pray for blessings right ? :3
" He causes the night to enter in upon the day, and causes the day to enter in upon the night, and He has made subservient the sun and the moon, each one moves to an appointed time. This is Allah, your Lord; His is the kingdom. And those whom you call upon besides Him own not a straw.If you call on them, they hear not your call; and if they heard, they could not answer you. And on the day of Resurrection they will deny your associating them (with Allah). And none can inform thee like the All-Aware One. "
Assalamualaikum . Peace be upon you . :D Well haloo there guys ! Yobseyo ~ (hehe..korean style) It seem like being a long time I never updating my own blog , and THIS IS IT !
Hoho . I am having 9-months-holidays. (atcually they are 11 months, the other 2 I need to be a teacher at SK Hilal as Ust Yazid asked to do so) WOW ! well as you wanna know I had passing mine! (STAM on 12th Oct 2011 - 19th Oct 2011, fuhhhh ! It wasn't too easy or hard , just hoping Him to give the B.E.S.T. for me and friends, thanks ALLAH :D ) Can you believe it ? Ninnneee monthss ?? OMG ! I can do anything that I want ! Hehe . Taking driving license , cooking , handmade craft , reading books , blogging and blablabla ... ( I can't take it anymore ) Can you imagine this 9 months can be shorted just only 9 days ? For me , I believe . Ever there was 30 days per month , times with 9 equals to 280 days , but we can't manage this 280 days as well , so it would be shorter than ever we thought !
"Those who makes the worst use if time are the first to complain of its shortness "
People were people and they were always doing mistakes in their life , I believed that I was the one of them . I made a vow to convince a cunning plan for using the precious wisely . And we knew it was never simple and easy to this uphill but the only thing that would make this work out, it is only ourselves . If we said YES , and it would be working out . But if we said NO , nothing would change .
Allah said in His Holy , "...Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves...." Ar-Ra'd : 11
Make a single vow and say YES . I knew we can do it together . Right guys ? :D SMILE always .
OMG ! i'm not lalala mode now !!!! FYI next week I have to face the really big day !ARGGGHHH ! I wanna yell to the world ! So creepy ! Feeling not so well as my teeth had problem , I met dentists for 3 times and 3 different dentists, not the same okee ! Before I met those dentists , I heard stories from my fellows , they said , removal tooth didn't hurt so much . Just for a minute ~ So it made me soo confident to meet them ~ ( anyway I love to meet dentist because I almostly dreamed to be dentist one day , but now naaa)
For the first on last Tuesday, 28th June , I met goverment's dentist and she ( soo polite in her talks to me ^^ ) gave me anaesthetics 2times for not feel the hurt of removal tooth, it was hurt and pain until my tears rolled down my cheeks but she didn't removed mine permently , still having the root .After that , ARGGHHHH !!! It was hurting for a week ! ( couldn't be mentioned how hurt did I feel , try it if you wanna know it :D)As you want to know, I ate the paracetamol and sleep , ate it again and sleep again , and so on .
I couldn't do anything even reads books !Time-wasting so much !
For the second , I decided to meet non-goverment's dentist snd he ( quite young, not married yet maybe and handsome..^^ haha ), as usually he must gave me the same injection as the first dentist did so and had permently removed it and I was glad ! The day after that , I woke up and my left hand touched my left cheek ,
WAARGGGHHHH !!!!! (second yelling , nope maybe three ! ^^) My left cheek swollen ! OMG , what was really happen to me ?! I felt soo ashamed to go the class . I could imagined that every people around will be asking the same question, many questions had been asking to me .
"What's wrong with your cheek ?" ,
"Are you eating something, Aliya ? Sweets?" ,
" That's the regret for you of talking to mucch" ,
even a little girl named Suad
"Kak liya , are the rambutans is in your mouth ? "
Ayooi . My face had been blashing pink in colour naturally . All feelings that I felt , angry , mad , ashamed , covered up myself from not been noticed by them . Iffah had a enourmous laugh at me with her kekeke voice . ( she never noticed that people would laugh along with her because of her kekeke ) I waited until tomorrow . I met the goverment's dentist again ( but not the same person okey ?) ,I made this decision because I spent RM130 for my tooth before to the non-goverment even they did a really good job . Soo I didn't have any money to pay the cost for the next . She ( the dentist , wearing hijab the last year purple colour as maria elena said so, seem like she was not too friendly ) had cleaned up my mouth , and I thought that I will not be given anaesthetic again , you know it was hurt . But my expectation was wrong ! Pained again . My tears didn't rolling down because I sicked of it ! ( 6 times you know ! equals for the first met until the last with them ) Lastly , she said ,
" You need to come here this Friday , I need to x-ray you teeth " ,
WHAT'S ON EARTH ???? I need to meet them again !? Oh nnoooo ! I say I don't want !!!
( heart-talks , the dentist didn't hear it anyway, i was just making sooo excited.. haha )
And Aliya Roseli Dol aka A.R.D. decided to
And Alhamdullilah my cheek became better after all , I feel grateful to Him , He's the one who makes all these pain , cheek swollen , and healing . Thanks Allah ! That's how my tooth's story life . Sweet and Sour . (^_^)
Pssttt.... I missed the smell of medicines and clinics. Feeling refresh and clean . hehe .
Just close your eyes . Feel in the deep of your heart . Can you feel the beating ? Every second it will beating once without non-stop . Can you imagine what would happen if it stop for once ? That means Allah loves us . Be praise to Allah . Because of Him , we still can feel the air in this world , seeing the nature beauty that created by Him and no one can do it . Who we are without Him . We are being borrowed for awhile ,do you know that we belong to Him ? Thumb ups for you that already knew it . For who are not , glad to know it now ! Allah gives a chance . He's awesome , right ?
Feeling far apart from Him shouldn't be having in every muslim . It's kinda ashamed , with the whole body that we borrowed , didn't we remember who gives us all of that precious ? He knew everything . He just want us to obey all His order and left all the bads at least . Just FOLLOW not to disobey . It's kinda simple but not easy for us to follow right ? :D Better to try rather than nothing . Because Allah are always counting all the efforts that you did ~
He's now seeing us from above. He wants us to better than him, striving for mardhotillah. Ummi, Sir Ghazali, Cg Zainuddin Jusoh, Sir Yahya and the lastest Ust Dahlan, they all have be returned to Him. O Allah, replace them into your Jannah, please forgive all their sins. We did love them for the Allah's sake. We miss them so damn much. When I'm thinking of them, I would love to flashback all the moments, staying in MATRI with friends and teachers. With a lot of friends,which are MY FRIENDS. I wish that I could go back and fix all the mistakes that I had done before and being happy-non-everlasting as much as I could . Smile all day long, no crying like a baby anymore. O Allah, strengthen me for facing all the problems and let me become a better person that I should be.
As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking your opinion or thanking me for something good happened in your life yesterday. But I noticed yoe were too busy, trying to find the right outfit to wear. When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to waitm fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me, but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the lastest gossip instead. I watched patiently all day long. With all your activities I guess you were too busy to say anything to me.
I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me, taht is why you didin't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some pf your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet. You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, you turned the TV. I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything goes there and you spend a lot of time each day in front of it not thinking about anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me. Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said good night to your family, you popped into bed and fall asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I always there for you. I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well.
I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have one-sided conversation, Well, you are getting up once again. And once again I will wait, with nothing but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me some times. Have a nice day!
Your friend named ALLAH
Yes I do love God. He's my source of existence and Savior. Allah keeps me funtioning each and everday.
Without Him, I'll be NOTHING. Without Him, I am NOTHING. But with Him, this is the simplest test.
If you love Him, and are not ashamed off all the marvelous things He has done for you.